Icons & text

  • Who Is The Training For?

    *Clinician Therapist *Christian Counselors *Counseling Ministers

  • What Will Your Learn?

    Learn how to identify when an emotional wound is present. Learn how to incorporate your clinical background to emotional wounds while incorporating the works of the Holy Spirit.

  • Other Benefits Of The Training

    Come away with a greater knowledge of how to integrate Christian strategies to deal with emotional and mental wounds.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    • A Message From Your Instructure
  • 2
    Healing Emotional Wounds Lecture
    • Emotional Healing Lecture
  • 3
    Healed Versus Whole Discussion 1
    • Healed Versus Whole Discussion 1
  • 4
    Offense Discussion 2
    • Offense:
  • 5
    Discussion Question 3:
    • The Promises Of God
  • 6
    Discussion 4: Intimidation
    • Intimidation Excercise
  • 7
    Helpful Resources:
    • The Fruit of Rejection and Schizophrenia
    • UnhelpfulThinkingHabitsWithAlternatives
    • The Fruit of Rejection
    • Tree of Rejection
  • 8
    • Put Your Questions Here
  • 9
    End Of Training Survey
    • End Of The Course Survey
    • Final Instructions